Monday, September 8, 2008

Decision 2008

I have watched these videos over and over and still think that they are unbelievably adorable. Since I've been on my soap box about healthcare lately, these videos fit in perfectly.

I am going to ask a serious question...are you ready?

(Drum roll, please) In your opinion, which one of these videos is the best?

Here are your choices: (1) Penis, (2) Karate, or (3) Spinach.
Let the voting begin...


Katie said...

My vote, all three. LOL. I love them.

Dennis said...

I love them all. however, if I had to to choose, I'd have to pick the "kicked him in the penis" vid.

Katie said...

me too dennis.

Krista said...

My ranking would be tie for first with Penis & Karate. Spinach is a close second.

Josh M. said...

I saw the "penis" one a couple of years ago, but never the others. But I gotta say - and Maya agrees - the Spanish one is the best.

Krista said...

Josh, since you put that word in quotes, it got me to thinking about the correct spelling. I just asked dennis and after he finished laughing he said it's spelled PENIS. But, when I goggle the word, both PENIS and PENIUS show up as relating to the male's appendage. Is one a British form of the word? Maybe it's determined by where you live in the is more 'southern' than the other? You say toma-toe and I say tom-a-toe? Now this is an example of the questions that keep me up all night