Monday, May 4, 2009

36+ Weeks


It's such a scary word that oddly becomes less and less scary the closer we get to May 30th. Maybe God's plan is to make women really uncomfortable so that the whole birthing process doesn't seem so bad afterall.

The pictures above show my ever-expanding belly from each side. Personally, I like the one on the left best because I have sheet marks that demonstrate my love for anything nap related.

We are now doing the weekly visits to the OB and during our check-up tomorrow we'll learn if I'm dilated at all (please, please, puh-leez) or not (which is normal for being 4 weeks away). I am praying that she'll say, "Hey - you are ahead of schedule and are 4 cm's dilated! You probably shouldn't even go home because you are going to have your baby TODAY! Let's start the epidural..."

My fingers (and toes) are crossed as I'm hopeful that Connor will come early. Maybe the 25th of May. Dennis' guess for his arrival date isn't until June 4th. When do you think he'll make his debut? Please post your guess in the comments section. If anyone says a date later than what Dennis predicted, I WILL FIND YOU AND KILL YOU.


bam said...

Hi Krista, what do I win if I guess right? Baby Connor - Yea. I am thinking 5/15/09, I have no idea why I chose that date. Just a guess, but I know you are uncomfortable to say the least. Take care.

Krista said...

bettyann - I LOVE YOU! I hope he comes the 15th. :) The MD asked me what I was smoking to think that I'd be dilated already...but she said we're right where we need to be for 36 wks. She guessed we'd go at least 38 wks based on how everything looked today...but y'never know!

Meimi said...

My guess is May 27!

Courtney said...

You don't want him to come too soon!! Trust me...let him cook! My guess is May 21st. Take care!

Josh M. said...

May 31st, so he can share a birthday with mah' daddy.

Or October 4th. I'm thinking October 4th.

Katie said...

Samantha's bday is the 25th, so that is a great day. I am going to say that. :) I am glad he is still in there cooking. I know how you feel and it sucks but soon enough there will be no more sleep, sore boobs, thoughts of weight loss and journals about what time he last pooped...oh yeah and an extremely precious bundle of joy! Tell Dennis to book a "babymoon" this weekend and RELAX just the two of you.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're due in 4 weeks - you're still so tiny! I know everything will go great and I'll keep my fingers crossed for an early arrival!

Emmy said...

Well judging by your belly I would say June 2nd. However if you are working out which you probably are then my guess is May 18th.