Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Favorite Things

This is a short list of my favorite pregnancy things (so far...and subject to change without notice).

Since I feel like I am growing EVERY SINGLE DAY, I have tried several outfit-adapters (nice word!) to make my life a little more comfortable. I am pretty sure that I am going to have to give in and start wearing maternity clothes very, very soon. And these gizmos have helped me to be a better person because for some reason, I feel like I am a tiny bit stronger for each day that I can postpone wearing official maternity attire.

Here's the run down so far:

1. The Bella Band. Al I can say is: LOVE IT. It doesn't out-rank icing but it is definitely up there.

2. Power Mama Spanx. These things are expensive and don't do anything for me. Maybe they will as my belly grows...but as of right now, they get an OVER-RATED rating.

3. Spanx Tight-End Tights. These are just normal tights with a hefty price tag. Not sure if they squeeze me in any more than normal but they are cute, comfy, and they kept my legs warm. So, I'd recommend these - pregnant or not.

The next few items are reading material. So, I obviously didn't attempt to wear them.

4. Your Pregnancy Week by Week (6th edition). I thought that this book was really good until I got #5. I would suggest buying the next book on the list rather than this one.

5. The Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy. This is a very detailed week by week and month by month description of what you, your baby, and your body are going through throughout the process. It also serves as a tremendous resource for any other baby related question you might have.

6. Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. It's just what you'd expect from her. A quick, slightly humorous read. Plus, it's nice to know that beautiful people get pregnant and fat too.

7. Last, but not least, the book of 100,000 names. Very thorough. I could do without some of the hyphenated and first-names-with-two-capital-letters-in-them suggestions but maybe I'm just being picky. The choosing a name thing has proven to be more of a big deal than I anticipated.

That's all I have right now. Please feel free to share any suggestions you may have...


Emmy said...

When your at the point of creating a registry and building the nursery I recommend Baby Bargains. They come out with one every year. It is a book that goes through and rates all of the baby products. It will help make the decisions easier. All of the baby stuff to choose from is overwhelming!

Other books: Happiest Baby On The Block, Baby Whisperer, Baby Wise.....everyone swears by a different book. You can easily make yourself crazy with all the books :)

Dennis said...

I've heard Baby Wise is fantastic and we will surely have that in our collection.

Krista said...

Thanks Emily - I ordered Baby Bargains on your suggestions and Baby Wise.. and I'm sure that they'll be more to come! :)

Krista said...

Dennis started reading BabyWise and loves it. I am also a huge fan of Baby Bargains. It's been a tremendous help with registering for stuff that I've never heard of!